Bus or Coach Charter Enquiry

Would you like a quotation on a special charter of one of our vehicles? Please complete the details in the form below and click on the Submit button.
Keep in mind that the two important factors in the charter of a vehicle are the hours required (period of charter), and the kilometres the vehicles will travel (distance). You should include the following details in your enquiry.
  • The date (or approximate) you wish to travel. Sometimes charter rates vary between weekdays and weekends so please specify if at all possible.
  • Depart point and any pick up locations.
  • Departure time and return time at departure point.
  • Where you wish to travel to and generally what the vehicle will be required to do during the charter period. If your charter is for more than 1 day we need to know travel requirements for each day it is required.
  • The number of passengers you wish to carry.
  • What inclusions you would like, ie; winery charges, meals, accommodation, cruises and attractions.
  • Do you have a preference to visit an attraction or a specific winery? Let us know of your choices and we will do our best to arrange your visit to the Hunter to your favourite places of interest.
  • If you would like us to arrange accommodation advise standard required, ie; Country Pub, Budget, 3 star, 4 star or better.
Of course we can provide estimates if all the information required is not available at the moment and then a firm quotation at a later date. Remember, all our quotations are obligation free.
Note: This is for COACH HIRE only.
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